Come home to your true nature

Wilderness Guide & Wholeness Coach for Leaders, Creators & Mischief-Makers

Welcome, Dear One. You belong here

  • You carry a wild soul that innately knows oneness with the natural world.

  • You know that somewhere deep inside you carry jewels of wisdom, creativity and beauty


  • You wrestle with doubt & unworthiness

  • You are buried under a mountain of responsibility keeping you from your soul’s longing

If any of this sounds familiar, Dear One, I hear you!

My work supports Leaders, Creators and Mischief-Makers to activate their most powerful and sacred service through transformational awakening…

It is time to claim your life…

You are a Miraculous Creature, Whole and Sacred!

You are at the right place at the right time and everything that has brought you to this point is for your growth and awakening. Especially the really hard moments, the stuckness, the grief, the fear and doubt. This is an essential part of the journey. You are full of surprises and connected to all life, always. You are on the threshold of feeling a new aliveness, a sacred soul-activation…and somewhere in there, you know it!

It is time to claim your life…

Your story is changing and it’s time for a new one

You desire…

  • A feeling of belonging (to yourself/the earth/your body and your life!)

  • Clarity + devotion to your vision and purpose

  • Connection to Nature on a regular + consistent basis

  • Aliveness

  • Total trust in yourself

  • Creativity + self expression

  • Intuitive knowing

  • Awe + wonder!

••• Transformative Offerings •••

  • 1-on-1 Soul Work

    A soul-centeric, nature-based exploration to support your highest expression and most authentic gifts for the benefit of all beings

  • Transformational Private Retreats

    Does your heart need a tune up? Time for an identity upgrade? Reset, re-charge and re-member who you are through my immersive and personal retreats. *Art by Autumn Skye

  • Group Journeys

    Deep healing arises in group containers where wisdom weaves us back into the web of life, reconnecting us to all beings. Takes place in various wild (and private) spaces across California. Co-Lead with Sarai Shapiro and Karuna Holm (pictured)

  • Wild Wisdom Backpacking Trip

    Our annual 10 day Soul-Quest for Womxn. An expansive invitation to fast and spend 4 days/nights ‘alone’, activating your Wild Soul. Co-Lead with Sarai Shapiro

••• PRAISE •••