You ARE nature:


What kind of results might arise from EcoTherapy?

  • Reconnecting to the intimate relationship with the Wild World that is essential to and supportive of well being

  • A reclaiming of the deep connection and true sense of belonging that is our inheritance and birthright

  • Wilderness, by itself, has its own way of teaching that reaches far beyond the finite and limited view of the human perspective. Return to the original teacher and receive her wisdom

  • Recharge, renew and re-member yourself by connecting to the source of all life

  • Learn practical and useful tools to feel connected to source energy for the rest of your time on earth

What is EcoTherapy with Caitlin?

  • These in-person, 90-minute meetings take place in various wild places around Santa Cruz, CA. We won’t be doing any strenuous hiking/climbing — if you are in reasonably good shape and can walk on a trail, you’ll be fine!

  • We start with walking to a private/quiet place to slow down and begin connecting to nature through various sensory meditations and somatic awareness practices

  • Depending on what you’re intentions are, I may support you in going on a “wild wander” within a designated area, practicing wild listening, barefoot walking, animal tracking, etc

  • Expect mother nature to be an active participant in your healing! Each session builds on the previous one.

We Are Remembering Who We Are

There is a pervasive cultural belief that somehow nature is ‘over there’ and we don’t belong there except to visit briefly, snap a photo and return to our boxes and screens.

That belief has caused the human and more-than-human beings immeasurable suffering and stress.

It is time we remember that we too are connected to the web of life. Let’s begin re-weaving ourselves back into it.

Remember why you came here.

This wildly mysterious and complex time is summoning us into greater levels of soul-alignment.

Investment: $995 for three, 90-minute sessions

(payment plans and sliding scale available)